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Living with ...

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Mental Health and Exercise

Mental Health and Exercise has long been a topic of discussion and none more so since the first Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020. When the Covid-19 lockdown was put into place in March 2020, no gyms were allowed to open;… Continue Reading →

Yes You Can …

Can you lose weight and build muscle with Klinefelter’s? The simple answer is YES! … but to do so, will require determination and willpower to lose the weight and time to build the muscle. Being diagnosed and prescribed TRT does… Continue Reading →

DOMS and Nutrition

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a byproduct of strenuous exercise. Any type of strenuous exercise can cause DOMS, including weight training, running, swimming, carrying heavy shopping or even undoing an over-tight bolt. DOMS is a combination of muscle inflammation,… Continue Reading →

KS and Oestrogen

Pre-diagnosis with Klinefelter’s, I never paid any attention to either my testosterone or oestrogen levels. I just assumed that everything was working correctly even though I always struggled to gain the tiniest amount of muscle. I could however, build strength… Continue Reading →

Fitness Training and Klinefelters – pt2

In Fitness Training and Klinefelter’s – pt1 I spoke about why people with Klinefelter’s should exercise, dismissing the falsehoods and fake ideas that people with KS shouldn’t or can’t exercise due to the underlying health conditions that potentially affect KS…. Continue Reading →

Klinefelter’s Syndrome

What is it? In simplistic terms Klinefelter’s Syndrome (KS) is a genetic condition where a male is born with an extra X chromosome. This extra X chromosome can cause a very wide range of serious health conditions and presents a… Continue Reading →

Change Your Lifestyle – Part 1

Klinefelter’s Syndrome is a health condition where you are born with an extra X chromosome and requires in most instances, testosterone treatment to effectively change the body, internally and externally, which puberty failed to do. KS potentially presents itself with… Continue Reading →

Change Your Lifestyle – Part 2

WARNING! The information in this article may sound extreme but it works. The weight loss is dramatic, as is the increase in energy levels. This lifestyle change is not for the faint hearted. In The Complex Nature of KS I discussed… Continue Reading →

Change Your Lifestyle – Results

Nearly 6 months ago, in the interests of my health, I changed my eating habits; not as a short term diet but as a complete lifestyle change for life. I have found the switch to this eating style very easy,… Continue Reading →

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There are several different versions of TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) that someone with Klinefelter’s Syndrome / 47 XXY can choose from. This choice is normally made by your Endocrinologist (endo) when you are first diagnosed (should you need / want… Continue Reading →

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